Day 10 Task: Advanced Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers

Welcome back to the DevOps journey! On Day 10, we're taking a deeper dive into Git and GitHub. We'll explore some advanced concepts, and I'm here to break them down into simple, theoretical definitions.

Git Branching

Branching is like creating separate workspaces within your code repository. Each repository starts with a default branch (usually 'master' or 'main') and can have multiple other branches. These branches are isolated areas where you can work on new features, bug fixes, or experimental ideas without affecting the main codebase. The changes made in a branch can be later merged into other branches using pull requests.

Git Revert and Reset

Git Revert and Git Reset are essential tools to manage your code history:

  • Git Revert allows you to create a new commit that undoes specific changes from previous commits. It's like safely undoing mistakes while preserving the commit history.

  • Git Reset is a more forceful command. It lets you move your branch pointer to a specific commit, effectively erasing any commits that come after that point. This can rewrite history and should be used carefully.

Git Rebase and Merge

Git Rebase and Git Merge are two methods to integrate changes from one branch into another:

Git Rebase rewrites commit history. It lets you integrate changes from one branch to another, making the commit history appear as if the changes were always made on the main branch. It's like editing the story to make it more coherent.

Git Merge is about combining different storylines while keeping their plots intact. When you merge branches, the original commit history is preserved, ensuring that the storylines remain separate but connected.

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